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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  September 17, 2012 12:00am-12:59am EDT

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>> this is not an expression of hostility in the broadest sense toward the united states or u.s. policy. it is approximately a reaction to this video and it is a hateful video that had nothing to do with the united states. >> this is a fairly volatile situation and it is in response not to the united states policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the american people. it is in response to a video, a film. >> really? because of a video? the ayatollah khomeini didn't
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need a video to take 52 americans hostage for 444 days. and those who hated us enough to bomb the u.s.s. cole in sudan didn't see a movie first. al qaeda didn't need a video to plan for years to kill 3,000 innocent americans on our own soil on 9-11. by the way, how does the white house know it was the video that caused protests in 33 countries? haven't they repeatedly said they don't have all of the facts? even the fbi in charge of this very investigation couldn't get to libya to investigate because it is so dangerous. why is the white house spinning? why when the middle east is burning and chanting death to america is the white house
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saying it is all because of the 14 minute amateur trailer. let's assume for a second it was the video. what is gives any one the right to kill innocent americans over a perceived insult to their religion? do you remember the art exhibits that gave a picture of christ in a bucket of urine and one that had an image of the virgin mary? an outrage to all christians. they didn't go on a rampage. with all of the assaults on the jewish people in their religion they didn't go on a rampage. why is this suddenly the white house is now apologizing for our first amendment, could it be because they believe it is politically correct to trash the first amendment in this particular circumstance?
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they can seep kaying it was a video, but let's call it what it was, another attack on innocent americans by al qaeda. let's find out from the president of libya what happened? >> the way they acted and moved i think they are choosing the specific dates for this so-called devastation. i think we this leaves us with no doubt that this has preplanned, predetermined. let's get the latest from leland who is on the ground from cairo. >> the libyan president laid out a clear case libya was involved
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in this attack. contrary to what they have been saying the attack on the consulate in benghazi was a preplanned well coordinated well planned out attack that protested and spiralled out of control. it was on 9-11. the way the attack was carried out indirect and supporting fire made it seem as though they knew what they were doing and where they were going to attack the compound there in benghazi had an iron gate it seemed they knew where they were heading. they made the most significant one they followed up the attacks on hitting a state how is that she says led to his thought this was indeed a preplanned pre-meditated attack by a group
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like al qaeda capable of carrying this out. the rest continue to see protests popping up in pakistan we saw many protests today in a couple of the large cities outside of the u.s. conflict in karachi and pakistan. tomorrow planned protesting islamabad the capital of pakistan the u.s. embassy there decided to temporarily suspend services at the u.s. embassy because of the threat of violence and how significant the violence has been over the past week or so. you get the feeling the fuse burned out before it hit the dynamite. there is a lot of riot police still on the streets. we walked around the u.s. embassy today hundreds if not thousands of people many of whom automatic weapons guarding that bashed wire. that didn't keep the protests from making their voices heard spray painted on a tree nearby
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didn't need translation from us, judge. it said usa go to hell. back to you in new york. stay safe. thanks so much. florida congressman and colonel allen wes joins us. ghouled evening congressman. how are you? >> it is really a pleasure to be with you. happy rash shanna. to all of our jewish friends and americans across the world. you heard it. this is a video. we hear from the president of libya this was not about a video. what say you? >> when i listen to the ambassador several words came to mind naive, inep pet and border line kin competent. they heard about the attacks and up rising about a week before
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this. it was a post on 9-11. i can tell you having been in a combat zone several times after 9-11 we were on a higher state of alertness on 9-11 it should have been the exact same thing here. for susan rice to say it's not a well coordinated attack understand what a well coordinated attack is. this was not happen stance. it was not coincidence it was well coordinated and the president confirms that. we have to thank you for your years of service. you won many bronze stars do you wonder how they could have been like this when the warning was as you say the jerusalem post. there were at least 4 attacks in benghazi. why are they -- do you think they are being disingenuous or kind of spinning or do you think
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they are outright distorting the truth? >> they are outright distorting the truth. this can be an incredible jimmy carter moment for president obama. when you go back university of cairo they show policy of appeasement. we have not stood up and had a clear defined policy we have emboldened our enemies and confused our allies. you saw the reaction from prime minister netanyahu. this came down to a mission for them. the last thing they cannot afford to have is also to see the week on foreign policy. >> what do you think going forward. how does this impact the election going forward. >> i think the american people don't want to once again relive the spector of jimmy carter in those days of the iranian
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hostage incident. we know the leader of hess bowl law his ran and israel law is already calling for more protests we know where they stand as far as their relationship with israel. they are in serious supporting of rash shad. it will play heavily against the president. he will talk about how does he go back to define his middle east policy? how is he going to accept responsibility for this happening. it's not about some facebook video that came out. >> one more thing, do we now start to attach conditions to the money we give libya in egypt? > >> i don't think it's about attaching positions we need to set off aid. these countries they are willing to protect our embassies which we are willing to do in this
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country. we need to start developing a contingency which means we need to stop the sec quest toring. >> oo journalist and middle east expert author of the book they must be stopped bridget gabriel. it is a thrill to have you here. you were born and raised in lebanon. what do you think the middle east perception is today? >> america is very weak that is their perception. al czar here ry said this is a time to capitalize on america's weakness and for the islamic world to rise up. for the last 20, 30 years they have been attacking the united states, under different administration republican and
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democrats. president carter with hostages in iran in 1975 he was a democrat. they attacked us under ronald reagan in 83 with the bombings of the marines in lebanon. he was a republican. they attacked us under george bush senior and president clil ton. it was under president clinton that the al qaeda attacked the world trade center the firs first time in 1993. >> what do we do with that. we never had them chanting death to america. >> america is finally waking up to reality. islamic radicals are on the rise worldwide. as i am speaking to you there are 44 conflicts around the world between muslims and nonmuslims. rafrdle regardless of what the religion is. we are facing radical islam and america needs to understand the problem and change our policies. >> how do we change? >> we need to stop funding al
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qaeda. we are borrowing money to rebuild afghanistan and sending millions of dollars to libya again to pakistan what are we getting for it? >> why are we doing this then? >> we need to stop it and stop it immediately. we ask for has a petition right now demanding our government to stop the funding of such countries. we need everybody to sign it. this is a tum when the american public needs to stand up with one voice. >> i think the american public is certainly outraged. why did -- >> america's winter. >> why did we buy into that? did people know the muslim brotherhood who they were? >> all of the terrorism experts knew who the muslim brotherhood were? all of our intelligence services knew. we had an administration that refused to listen. he is the oldest terrorist
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organization in the world founded in 1928. the islamic organizations including al qaeda and hamas. they are the military branch of the muslim brotherhood al-zawahri was the leader of muslim egypt and i am prisoned and sent into exile. we see them working with each other. that's what we are dealing with each other this administration needs to understand. >> bridget gabrielle thank you for being with us this evening and for your expertise. coming up with four americans dead in libya are our embassies and consulates properly protected? we will talk to a covert intelligence agent. politics of the middle east attack. stay with us. ♪
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stateling it was a preplanned attack and that there is no doubt al qaeda was involved in this. our own president and his representatives haven't even come out and said that. >> are you angry, mike? >> i am very angry. what we are having now is just another example where this administration seems to believe that it is important to apologize and seek a reason why it is our fault every time this element, this wing of islam, whatever you want to call them, extremists, jihadists, whenever they commit an act of barbaric proportions they believe it is important to find a way to blame us. we could kiss their collective behind for the rest of our lives every day. >> they are still going to hate us. >> they are still going to hate us. >> you bear injuries from explosions as a marine. does this make you angry?
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>> it makes me angry because i am so sick of hearing the standard response every time something happens where americans are killed i always hear the same response. we need to find those responsible. let me tell you the type of justice i would like to sees -- >> you can't say. >> i am not going to say it. >> a lot of america agrees with you. thank you for being with us. >> how are the events in the middle east effecting the presidential race. lart can there be justice for the four americans killed in libya? >> to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them.
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>> with me to discuss how president obama and governor romney handled the situation so far and what they should be doing going forward are john link co in studio and republican strategist nick bore in little
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rock. thank you for being with me? i am going to go to you first. how do they handle this? is it a good week for obama? >> bad week in terms of the event. mitt romney had an unforced error. what he should have done is what mitch mcconnell did wait until the facts came in. he deliver add message on 9-11 which was inaccurate made a news conference instead of the event they were talking about mitt romney. he did what clint eastwood did to him. he attracted attention and it would have been focused on legitimate questions of president obama. >> did mitt romney make a mistake? >> no, mitt romney did not make a mistake. i expected john to come out swinging in defense of obama. i think obama handled it completely wrong. i am sorry, my friend. h mitt romney cowered too much --
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susan rice came out and said it was made by the film and we are learning this is probably pre-meditated. >> mitt romney according to republicans democrats he went down in the polls. is it what he said or is it the timing of what he said? >> what he said was inaccurate. on the evening of september 11th he came out with a statement said the first reaction was to apologize and sympathize which was a crock. >> if the embassy released a statement before it began doesn't that tell you they knew it was coming? >> they released a statement talking about the film. it was a statement that romney himself echoed a few days later.
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>> i am absolutely outraged. i think obama needs to be outraged the sheer fact this was not caused by the film. even hillary clinton is talking about it being wrong. >> i agree it was on the fell am. >> we are talking about mitt romney's reaction. he made a fool of himself and had an unforced error. >> how did he make a fool of himself? >> republican operative talking about mccain's foolishness. >> this was mitt romney's time to shine. the fact that obama's foreign policy doesn't work he cforeign policy doesn't work, nothing works for obama. the fact that he is looking at this and commenting i think is totally wrong. you have got to understand that romn romney has come out saying we shouldn't be funding places like
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this. >> should the president fund egypt and libya? >> not at all. they shouldn't continue to fund those who are clearly not our allies. he has made israel weak. >> we are going to go with a knee jerk foreign policy. we are going to have -- >> he's talking about george bush. >> president obama should have been on the radio show tj pimp with a limp. should he have gone to vegas as a fundraiser americans died the middle east is burning. should he have been campaigning this week? >> the president is on the job no matter where he or she is. the president will always be working no matter where they are. i am very confident president obama was very much on the job. talk about campaigning in the
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midst of this releasing a statement on 9-11 you couldn't wait a couple hours before they released a statement? >> i am sorry but romney -- >> obama said it as well. >> obama was the president he wanted to do a fundraiser when we were at war. our good ambassadors brothers got murdered. >> what romney said was a lie. it was an inaccurate lie. >> always a pleasure. thank you so much for being with us this evening. >> a member of the house intelligence committee she believe he was that close to nuclear capability. deadly insider attacks in afghanistan killing americans.
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live from america's news headquarters the third largest school district braced for another week of striking teachers. and the union president asked for more time to talk it over. issues are teacher pay and evaluation. mayor rahm emmanuel saying he'll seek an injunction to end it after three and a half hours, the russian capsule back on earth. the space craft landed just a short time ago, carrying one american and two russians. it undocked from the international space station sunday evening after a four-month state. it was the only craft traveling to the space station since the u.s. shuttle program ended last year. now back to justice with judge january yeechbl for headlines log on to fox foxnews.
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>> tensions seem to be higher than ever between israel's prime minister netanyahu with president obama over nuclear weapons in iran. the latest reaction from israel is our own rick leventhal is live in jerusalem. rick? >> the israeli prime minister on u.s. television on this sunday using a football med fotaphor reaching iran is approaching the goal line. if the u.s. won't stop it israel will. the prime minister said iran is close to by the middle of next year 90 percent of having enough rich uranium to make an atom bomb. they need to set red lines for the regime a fine threshold for the amount of nuclear material it can collect or deadline to abandon the nuclear program or else. >> we are in the red zone. you know they are in the last 20 yards. you can't let them cross that goal line. you can't let them score a
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touchdown because that would have unbelievable consequences, grievous cons again-- consequen. >> the prime minister respects his pledge to get nuclear weapons but insists they have to get tougher because the iranians he says can't be trusted. he compares the iranian regime to the militants attacking embassies across the region in the last few days. he pets eye dell tree ahead and it would be a grave mistake not to stop them now. >> since the advent of nuclear weapons you have countries with access to nuclear weapons that made a calculation to cost and benefit. iran is guided by a leadership with an unbelievable fen gnat sichl. it's the same fen gnat sichl you see storming the embassies today. >> meanwhile iran says it's not building nuclear weapons and threatened israel and the u.s. if it's attacked that it will
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wipe out israel with rockets bombs and missiles and attack military bases across the mideast. >> rick leventhal stay safe. why is the obama administration passing the attacks on the video. let's ask michael lee of pennsylvania and mike con owe way who is on the house select committee on intelligence. good evening, gentlemen. >> good evening, judge. >> let me go back a minute what he was talking about in terms of iranian enrichment and the tension between the president and the prime minister. i will start with you congressman. do you think that it is a serious issue today? >> absolutely a serious issue. iran is difficult to deal with without a weapon in terms of the
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activities across this country and the world. how much more difficult will they be to deal with once they do in fact get a weapon. they are on that path. we don't know how farther on that path. netanyahu has a great deal of insight. you need to heed his words carefully when he talks about. ahmadinejad made statements he thinks he and iran can be the cat kiaclysmic event. the nuclear weapon may be the issue. they are going to get more dangerous. >> congressman kelly what about the issue of the white house saying this is all about a video that the 33 countries chanting death to america burning our embassies and our flags are responding to a trailer of an amateur video? you buy that? >> it is ridiculous for the
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white house for anybody who is paying attention who could not possibly believe a 15-minute video on youtube. i ask people what movie house did it appear? nobody has seen this nobody knows about it. the 9-11 anniversary stated somehow this was coincidental. it was highly orchestrated and well thought out. the executive branch and more specifically the secretary of state has a responsibility to determine the security in consulates and embassies. where was the protection. i think of the smith family the woods family and the daughterty family they have the right to know what happened. they have the responsibility to find out for them what happened. we will not stop until we find out. have we not seen enough of this? 3 and a half years of this
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continuum will spin. we have a stdomestic policy in disarray. no one can figure out where we have gone with this. can we rely on the future because it doesn't look that way. >> congressman to both of you what do the american people want to know is why do we keep giving these countries aid and money? what are we benefitting? >> if i could just jump in. >> we do appropriate money for foreign aid. there are conditions set with that. it's up to the secretary of state to make sure the conditions are being followed. we have to make that determination. they have the responsibility to care or not. secretary of state the state department dropped the ball on this. >> congressman tell them what are you doing about this.
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>> there have been holds placed on the immediate disbursements. the chairman of the appropriation on the subcommittee a billion dollars for debt forgiveness and the money is going to libya until we sort things out. the state government is in fact doing the right things we could have that conversation. until we understand what egypt is doing we ought to put the holds on those. we have the holds on them. sue sdan is n-- sudan is not do the right thing to get in there and protect that embassy. do we have a national security interest in the funds in that particular country and are we delivering on those interests? oo thank you so much for being with us this evening. >> coming up the past 24-hours
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in afghanistan have been deadly. what's worse? the attacks are coming from the inside. >> later will there be justice for the four americans killed this week in libya. >>
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>> daring attacks in afghanistan. work from the inside killed four u.s. soldiers today. the increase of insider attacks is putting u.s. strategy in afghanistan in jeopardy. connor powell has the latest from kabul. >> it is the heart of american strategy is building up the african security forces. that is becoming a much more difficult thing to do because this year we have seen a massive increase in the number of insider attacks. that's where afghans turned their weapons on their u.s. and international partners.
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just today four u.s. soldiers were killed in southeastern afghanistan. it is not exactly clear what happened. akoirdiaccording to u.s. offici police were checking a checkpoint that was getting attacks. they began shooting at americans there. we don't know if it was a mistake or in fact an insider attack. right now some of the insider officers are missing and u.s. military believes it was an insider attack. this comes after yesterday's attack where two british soldiers were killed by a member of the afghan local police force. this year alone we have had 51 u.s. troops killed by their afghan partners. this really is undermining the trust between afghans and the international community unless
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they could restore the trust it is really in jeopardy. >> what they said about the spontaneous protests. >> i don't know what kinds of planning went on but it was an act of terror. they don't bring heavy weapons and rocket propelled grenades to demonstrations because they want to demonstrate. it was well carried out with direct fire and indirect fire. for the united states government to say it was simply a spontaneous act that flies in the face of the facts. >> former navy captain and fox news military analyst and fox news military analyst colonel david hunt is in austin. good evening, gentlemen. >> good evening, judge. >> i will start with youment colonel what are we talking about with afghan police killing our soldiers? >> i think we have such a miss mash of what's going on over there nobody really understands what went on but i think senator
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mccain has it in the big picture right now which is to try to blame this on an obscure movie out in the vine theater in l.a. that maybe ran for one or two-days two months ago. if you believe that was really the thing that sparked all of this you are crazy. you don't get that kind of 400 folks putting direct and indirect fire in a coordinating manner. you don't do that on twitter. that is something that is planned. >> they brought rocket launchers and heavy ar ril ry to a protest. >> if you believe that that is all it was. the protest was something set up for 9-11. they were looking for the best thing they could have at the time for trying to inflame the arab world. they went with what they have which is a two-phone call setup to an egyptian journalist because he wouldn't run with it the first time. then he ran with it the second time. then they have their spark.
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i think the assassination of the ambassador went all of the facts went out it was a planned evolution. >> colonel hunt what is your take on this and the white house been about this being a video? >> the ambassadors killed were al qaeda. the other twenty-some riots we had in australia or paris can be attributed to a bunch of things. they are not just against the u.s. they are against germans and the french. it was a well planned attack in yemen. >> it was an american ambassador and three that are dead. >> the u.s. state department in not allowing marines to be in prip polly -- tripoly have accountability for those deaths.
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>> why do you think they didn't have marines there? >> after libya fell to have a high profile. libyan guards because it is inexcusable as chuck knows to have an embassy in that kind of situation without having marine guards which by the way are being sent there now. >> are we prooiivatizing the military now? >> the state department long relied on security. president karzai had attachments and after that had former seals private security. a lot of the leaders don't trust the people. what they want they want people that can trust and they bring in a lot of americans. >> what is going on in
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afghanistan? are troops killed by afghan police uniforms? >> i think that's a failed policy. if you have the people you are training turning the weapons on you it is a real problem. what you have to do is stop the program for a bit. you have to do a lot better at background checks and the people you are training which is very, very difficult in afghanistan or any other part of the world. but you can't -- can't have 50 deaths attributed to people who ar training indicate that the training and/or the people you picked to train is knotted working. unfortunately i think it's a failed policy. >> final yes or no captain nash. the war being perceived what do we need to do now, that's not a yes or no but what do we need to do quickly. >> right now the mean is we want to work with you. no. we need to change this.
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>> thank you for being with us. could the answer come from the courts?
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>> the families from the embassy attack can they find justice in the courts? let's ask attorney mark miles who specializes in international wrongful death cases. mark, welcome. thanks for being with us this evening. >> thank you for having me. >> i have three questions. one is there a civil remedy? two, criminal and three, what about this guy on the basalina cool law. is there possibility of families of the four americans killed suing any one for their death? >> one of the answers being issued is whether or not they can sue the country of libya to the extent there was participation by the libyan government. the answer to the question has
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to do with the current administration. there is the foreign immunity act. in the united states within state court or federal court. there's an exception to that and the exception is whether or not they are on a particular list the state department puts together. >> are they? >> no libya used to be on the list from 79 up until 2006 which would allow a wrongful death suit to go forth. >> let's talk about the negligence on the part of the united states government if there were at least four attacks we know of the jerusalem post is publishing there are these problems and the egyptian embassy is going before. >> there may be negligence on behalf of the united states government and this
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administration. the problem is likely that negligence would be a form of worker's compensation. they would not be able to hold the united states accountable. >> we have this guy as a filmmaker although it is a trailer of some sort. the feds are dragging them in because they are on investigation tore some kind of theft charge. is there any kind of liability on his part? >> it is foreseeable this type of attack could occur if he put his fill nl -- film up on the internet. >> are we going to question the people that killed and say did you actually see the video? >> i think there will be the internal investigation done by the military. when you get into the foresee
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ability the threat for the koran there were bombings in death. there were bombings of u.s. embassies. the issue is whether or not it was foreseeable when he put the video on the internet that embassies in those countries would be bombed and death would result. >> mark miles, thanks so much. >> four american heros were killed this week in libya. we focus on former navy seal glen daughterty with his close friend mikey weinstein. thank you for being with us. >> nice to be here, judge. thank you. >> our condolences to you. you lost a friend. tell us about him. >> you know, i realize i am trying to keep everything a political, because glen i am not going to talk about a political spectrum left or right thing. glen was every bit a passionnal american hero. he cared about his fellow americans. he cared about his fellow world
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citizens. he was a navy seal that came on our ad vise ry board. military religious freedom organization. we represent 39 active duties soldiers marines and airmen cadets and ship men at the air force academy my alma mater at west point. 96 percent happen to be christians. we represent 11 percent of muslim americans in the military. we are fighting religious extremist dominion christian unconstitutional activity in the military. a number of years ago -- >> let me get through that. what was glen like? >> glen was a man that cared passionately about everybody. he cared about -- he didn't decide that you would judge or scale the value of an american citizen or other citizen based on religious faith or lack there
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of. he wanted everyone to be treated the same way. he was aware of the fact that religious extremism had no place in the profession of arms. >> what would he want to have happen. >> he was a caring man. he was a warrior. >> what would he want to have happen as a result of his death and the death of the other three americans? >> let me start the answer to that excellent question judge by telling you what he would not want to have happen. we wou he would not any political party or person or politician american citizen or world citizen to paint one people one culture one ethnicity with one brush based on extremists. he wouldn't want all of the arabian people all of the muslim faith and practitioners and that culture to be painted with the horrible brush of al qaeda talibanism that aspect of the extreme part of the muslim faith. he would not want us to do that. we talked about this all of the time whenever you paint one
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people with one brush you end up up little creeks rivers or streams and oceans of blood. >> when he went there, did he ever think that this is how it would end? did he know his life was on the line? was he worried about it? >> the last time i spoke with him was several weeks before he went there. we talked about several things that happened recently including a new air force provision that was criminalizing prosecute law tizing in our military. they had two-doors door number one was allowing civil rights in an area where we hadn't been before. door number 2 it would provide for the extremists to come in. >> mikey we have to wrap. thanks it f that's it for us. e-mail us [ male announcer ] if it wasn't for a little thing called the computer, we might still be making mix tapes. find this. pause this. play this. eject this. write this. it's like the days before esurance express lane™.
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